We recently hosted a free networking event (online, so people could join regardless of location!) for professionals who work with families who are/may experience CAPA. The event has now taken place, but we’re sharing a recording for anyone who couldn’t join us, which you can watch below. Our guest speaker for this event was Al Coates MBE.
This #CapaCommunityConnections was hosted by our senior practitioner, Matt. The session looked at CAPA through the lens of adoption, fostering and kinship carers. Al spoke about his journey into working in this field, beginning with his experience of adopting his children and being confronted with the realisation his parenting approaches that worked with his other children, suddenly didn’t work with his 3 year old. He wasn’t coping. What do you do then? This led him to giving up work and finally training as a social worker.
Al spoke about definitions and how parents and professionals may define the behaviour, looking at some thoughts on root causes of this behaviour both through lived experience and biological reasons, the specific situations that arise in adoptive, foster or kinship carer families.
Al shares his personal, lived experience as well as professional experience with warmth and honesty.
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NEXT TRAINING DATE: 12th Sept 2024 - book here Please sign up to our mailing list to be informed of future training dates. Overview: This course aims to enhance understanding and awareness of CAPVA and is designed for front-line practitioners supporting families...