
We are here to support you, and help improve relationships within your family.

We offer 1 to 1 sessions with our trained, specialist practitioners. We’ll help to create an action plan so that everyone feels safe at home.  We are a fully inclusive, offering our services to all,  regardless of location.

Every child, and every family is different, and we tailor our support to suit each individual situation.

To get in contact with us to discuss support for your family please click the button below & add info@capafirstresponse.org to your ‘safe sender’ list so you won’t miss our reply.

What Parents and Carers say


The advice you provided has been amazing! The violence has reduced massively. The carpet 10 minutes has been a miracle, L is now asking to do it every night and we regularly go over the 10 mins as it’s been hilarious and fun.

I was desperate to be able to thank you again.

Parent to L, 6 years old

Listen to one Mum's story of what life is like after support from us

All three sessions with you were absolutely amazing and better than any of the private therapy sessions I had before! Your compassionate approach to family conflicts, where everyone’s feelings are validated for what they are, will always guide me in the right direction.

Mother to a 19 year old

What to do if your child is being aggressive?

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If it is safe to do so stay with your child and validate their feelings.

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"I can see you are angry and you are allowed to be angry, but it is not okay to hit me/damage things".

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Talking too much to anyone who is in a heightened emotional state can 'fall of deaf ears', they are unlikely to be able to respond in a calm way.

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Stay present (if safe) and use few words to let your child know you are there. Continue to validate feelings, or if this escalates remain quiet.

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Make sure you have your phone with you so you can contact the police or a friend for help and support.

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Don't try to reason at this point with your child or demand they stop.

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If you are in danger or fear for anyone in the home call the police.

Feedback from a parent we supported

“Matt reassured me that it is indeed difficult to change the way we have reacted all our lives (over generations in fact) and it is really a matter of practice. Sometimes I was very discouraged, but then I would attend another session and feel encouraged to try again. It was good that Matt always reminded us parents to think about the successful moments (however small)… Thank you very much for your amazing work”