
Introducing the Capa Podcast

Part of our mission statement  is ‘to raise awareness amongst families and professionals around children/adolescents who use harmful and/or aggressive behaviour towards a parent/carer.’  What better way to do this is by sharing conversations with Jane, our founder, Matt our Senior Practitioner and Helen Bonnick, our patron who has (literally!) written a book about ‘CAPVA’. 

Each episode will be a useful listen whether you are a parent experiencing these behaviours in your family, or someone who works professionally with children/families. They’re not designed to solve all your problems (we wish this was simple as releasing a podcast!) but for you to hear conversations with people who support families who are experiencing CAPA. In our first season we’ll be talking about education and school refusal, siblings, neurodiversity and more. 

You can listen to our podcast on Spotify, Amazon Music, iTunes  as well as on Youtube.              

As we release each episode you’ll find a blog post with an overview of the episode topic below, and at the bottom of the page there’s a video from Matt explaining how the podcast came about.

Podcast S1 Ep5: Definition & Language

Podcast S1 Ep5: Definition & Language

Today we're talking about HOW we describe these behaviours, the actions themselves and the words we use when talking about this area to both families and professionals. Aggression, abuse, violence, harmful... we discuss these terms and more. As an organisation we...

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Podcast S1 Ep4: Education

Podcast S1 Ep4: Education

This episode focusses on Education, which is a massive part of a child's life. Often issues experienced with children using aggressive behaviours can start with problems experienced at school. We discuss the typical school set up and how it might not work for all...

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Podcast S1 Ep3: Neurodiversity

Podcast S1 Ep3: Neurodiversity

Today we tackle the subject of Neurodiversity in relation to 'child against parent aggression'. We discuss some of the common things that come up, including how hard it is for a neurodivergent person living in a neurotypical world. We talk about adapting strategies...

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Podcast S1 Ep2: Siblings

Podcast S1 Ep2: Siblings

In this episode we discuss the impact this behaviour can have on siblings both directly and indirectly. We talk about differences between children and expectations that they may deal with similar challenges in similar ways, and the problems this can cause when they...

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Podcast S1 Ep1: Age & Capa

Podcast S1 Ep1: Age & Capa

In our first full length episode, Jane, Matt and Helen are talking about age in relation to Child Against Parent Aggression. We discuss the 'peak' age for a child starts using these behaviours, and whether there are other factors at play too. We also discuss the...

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