One family’s personal experience of working with Capa First Response (Audio)

Because of the sensitive and confidential nature of the work we do with families we very rarely get to share feedback from someone we have helped directly, recorded in their own voice. We are so very thankful to this mum for giving us her time, sharing her family’s experience and for recording answers to our questions.  Her family was one of the first that received support and advice from Capa First Response, and in this video you can hear her talk about what life was like for her family before support and what it’s like now. You can find out what the support looked like and the difference it made to her family.

To view the video with captions please click ‘watch on Youtube’ and then click the CC button and choose your preferred language.

If this resonates with you and you feel like we would be able to support your family please get in touch:

You can find out more about the support we offer here.


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