Dr Thien Trang Phan – Capa Community Connections

November 14, 2024

We recently hosted our latest free networking event (online, so people could join regardless of location!) for professionals who work with families experiencing CAPVA. The event has now taken place, but we’re sharing a recording for anyone who couldn’t join us, which you can watch below. Our guest speaker for this event was Dr Thien Trang Nguyen Phan. Dr Thien has over 13 years of experience working in the field of domestic abuse and violence against women as, among others, Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA), Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) Coordinator and Manager, Training Lead, and Criminal Justice Project Officer helping coordinating the Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts at Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse (Standing Together). This experience helped inform her doctoral research focusing on mothers’ experience of abuse by their adult children. She has drawn on her professional and academic expertise to further research and practice in domestic homicides and domestic homicide reviews. 

During this session Dr Thien, joining us from Vietnam, led the attendees through her doctoral research, undertaken at Anglia Ruskin University and titled “Mothers abused by their (now) adult children”.  In her presentation she acknowledges that this area is ‘an invisible problem’. Also covered were different patterns of abuse that are often seen in children who display these behaviours, such as domestic abuse and elder abuse. Dr Thien’s talk was engaging and eye opening, and there was a Q&A session afterwards. For anyone who was unable to attend or who would like to know more you can watch a video of the Community Connection Event below on YouTube.  A huge thanks to Dr Thien for the time taken to prepare and present to us. 

Please sign up to our mailing list for professionals to find out about new  Community Connection events, training offers and more. To contact Dr Thien you can reach her here.

Read about past networking events here.


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